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Telnet debug

1 Comment

If you experience issues it can be useful to run a debug to see what is going on "under the hood".

So this is how you run a Telnet debug:

First, update the firmware to last version. It is recommended store the current configuration first (use System/Configuration file menu, or just make screenshots of the various pages).

Then run telnet debug as follows:

  1. Go to System/Debugging, turn on Telnet debugger, Debug level "Verbose" and press Save:
  2. Go to Configuration/Wifi and note which IP address your device is using.
  3. If needed: Enable Telnet on your PC by following this method:
  4. Open a "Command prompt" window on your computer
  5. Write Telnet <IP-address>
    Example: My Pow-K has IP-address

  6. You should now see the payloads in hex format as they arrive from the meter. If all is well it will be something like this, but it depends on the meter and the format coming from your meter.:
  7. If there are issues with interpreting the data, there should be understandable information here.
  8. When you are finished it is recommended to turn off Telnet debugging (System/Debugging)

A bit more details

For those of you not familiar with using command windows, a customer has been so kind as to provide the following (in Norwegian, assuming others can be able to follow it too):

***   Åpne terminal vindu i en mappe som du vil ha som midlertidig "path" til Telnet log fila.

* I filutforsker: "Mus" over mappen du vil ha, så  'Shift + høyre klikk' og les i popup menyen.
* Har du åpnet mappen i filutforsker, skriv "cmd" i "folder path" i toppen.
TIPS: For å justere vindus bredde, høyre klikk på øvre ramme > Egenskaper > Oppsett

* I File Manager: "Mus" over eller marker mappen du vil ha som "path", så  'Shift + høyre klikk' og les i popup menyen


***   Copy text in cmd   ***
Right Click (les i "pop up"), Mark , Left Click & drag to mark , Enter to Copy


**  HUSK: i teminal MÅ du bruke høyre klikk ved "paste"  **

* Start telnet I terminal vindu skriv:  telnet

* Tilordne log fil: set logfile telnet.txt (telnet.txt = din log fil , har du brukt metoden over trenger du ikke å bry deg om "path")

* Start logging: open (IP addr for din AMS Reader)

* Stop logging: q (+ Enter)

* Exit Telnet:  q (+ Enter)

** Resultatet blir da slik:


Velkommen til Microsoft Telnet-klient

Escape-tegn er CTRL+¨

Microsoft Telnet> set logfile telnet_1.txt
Loggfil : telnet.txt
Klientlogging på
Microsoft Telnet> open
Kobler til


q* Debug: Command received: q
* Closing client connection ...

Mistet forbindelsen til verten.

Trykk en tast for å fortsette...  NB !!!!

NB !!!! ****    IKKE TRYKK noen knapp fordi da forsvinner LOGG DATA    ****
Har du brukt "set logfile telnet.txt" slapp av, da er dataene der. Men du må avslutte Telnet for å kunne lese fila.

Posted in: Information, How to

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  • Telnet/Netcat on Mac OSX
    By: Nicolas Padfield On 17-May-2023

    If you are on Mac OSX, telnet is no longer installed by default but nc is and nc can be used

    Type at command prompt:

    nc -v mdnsnameOfAmsReader 23

    Replied by: Egil Opsahl On 13-Jun-2023 Thank you for that tip!