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"I ordered a device on Lectronz, and paid VAT. But now I received a customs + VAT claim!?"

Edit 27-apr-23: If you live in Denmark:

PostNord Denmark has this week admitted they are the cause of some cases of incorrect customs claims. If you have received such a claim after 25th April -23 you should first contact Postnord and request them to check once more; tell them that the IOSS number is registered and sent to them from Bring Norway. If that is unsuccessful, you should contact us to handle the situation with Bring Norway on our side.

Original message (still valid for other countries than Denmark):

During autumn -22 we have had several cases where EU customers that already paid VAT when ordering on Lectronz have received claims to pay customs fee + VAT. This has caused us a lot of frustration for our customers - and work for us!

In dialogue with our freight company Bring.no, they found bugs in their system. The bugs caused electronic information filed by us when ordering not to be forwarded to the receiving country customs system - triggering the claim to pay VAT and customs fees.

The issue seems now to have been fully fixed for Denmark, but still seems to happen for some (only a few, and not all!) shipments to Sweden (and maybe also other countries - we do not really know).

Bring is working hard on finding the bug, but it is difficult due to the fact that it is not consequent: Only some of the shipments are affected. In the mean time, amsleser.no has an agreement with Bring that we pay the claims for our customers - and will then be reimbursed by Bring.

So please:

If you receive a customs claim: Send us the claim on post@amsleser.no with the information needed to pay (the full letter or note you received) - and we will immediately pay it for you to release the parcel.

Posted in: FAQ

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